Classical Education
古典人文教育以语法、逻辑和修辞为三大基柱,通过读伟大的书,为孩子们构建充实和自律的精神世界,一直为Home Schooling和私校倡导的人文教育所推崇。
Classic Reading and Writing: History of the World
This course teaches classical education through the study of the world history. Other aspects of classical education, including high quality literature, writing, read-aloud, spelling, memorization, logic, and critical thinking will be incorporated.
The classical approach trains the mind in future and self-discipline. Classes are one hour and thirty minutes long. Weekly homework will be assigned, and families will be required to purchase materials for the class. The teacher will evaluate the student reading level for the placement purpose.
Fall 2024 课程表
History of the World 1 (HOW 1): 古典时期 (一、二年级)
“What terrible secret was buried in Shi Huangdi’s tomb? Did nomads like lizard stew? What happened to Anansi the Spider in the Village of the Plantains? And how did a six-year-old become the last emperor of Rome? … Find out what happened all around the world in long-ago times.” This narrative overview of history, written in Susan Bauer’s engaging style, covers events from the earliest recorded nomads to the last Roman emperor. Students will engage with not only crucial events from early history, but will also hone their thinking, reading, and writing skills through a variety of activities.
始皇帝的陵墓中到底埋藏着什么样的秘密?游牧民族真的喜欢吃蜥蜴慢炖锅吗?在Plantains 村庄中的蜘蛛神Anasi(神话人物)到底有着什么样的故事?一个六岁的小孩儿怎么成为了罗马帝国的最后一个皇帝……来跟我们一起探索这些遥远的历史故事吧!课程以历史故事讲述的形式,依据Susan Bauer引入入胜的世界史教科书,从历史最早记载的游牧民族开始,一直到罗马的最后一个皇帝。在老师带领下,学生将通过一系列的课堂练习,不仅学习要的历史事件,而且通过历史阅读,逻辑练习册,和写作练习,以达到全面提高学生的阅读、思维和写作能力。
上课地址:艺书房 40 Oak Drive,Syosset,NY
History of the World 2(HOW 2):中世纪时期(三、四年级)
“Who discovered chocolate? What happened to the Giant Fovor of the Mighty Blows? Why did the Ottoman Turks draft their war ships across dry land? … Find out what happened all around the world in long-ago times.” This narrative overview of history, told in Susan Bauer’s straightforward and engaging style, covers events from the fall of Rome to the rise of the Renaissance. Students will engage with not only crucial events from this period in history, but will also hone their thinking, reading, and writing skills through a variety of activities.
“谁发明了巧克力?蛮的凯尔特人如何打败了深海巨人族?为什么奥斯曼帝国的土耳其人在陆地上拖曳他们的战船吗?……来跟我们一起探索这些遥远的历史故事吧!课程以历史故事讲述的形式,依据Susan Bauer引入入胜的世界史教科书,从罗马帝国的衰败开始,一直到文艺复兴时期。在老师带领下,学生将通过一系列的课堂练习,而且通过历史阅读,逻辑练习册,和写作练习,以达到全面提高学生的阅读、思维和写作能力。
上课时间:周一下午 5:15-6:15PM, 实体课
上课地址:艺书房 40 Oak Drive,Syosset,NY
Course Instructor is the current Director of the English Programs in Yishufang. She graduated from Columbia University's Teachers College and she has had experience working with middle- and high-school students in the classroom, as well as students of all ages in tutoring and other after school programs. She believes deeply in the importance of critical, reflective, and dialogic work in the English classroom, so that students can engage with a diverse set of ideas through reading, writing, and discussion-- all of which are built on the foundation of a strong classroom community. She received her B.A. in English, Music, and Psychology with a minor in Childhood Studies, and her M.A. in Teaching of English from Teachers College. Currently, she teaches in a very famous public school in New York.
课程老师毕业于哥伦比亚大学教育学院,有着丰富的中学以及高中任教经验。课程老师致力于在英文课堂中训练学生的批 判思维以及对话能力,让学生自如地在读写说的过程中表达自己的观点。老师本科主修英文、音乐和心理学,同时辅修 儿童教育研究,并获得了哥大英文教育硕士,现任教于纽约一所著名中学。
Classic Reading and Writing: Classic Children's Literature
A reading of some of the true classics of children's literature, often neglected or ignored in American public schools these days. These are beautifully written novels, with young, relatable protagonists. Students will read and write about British and American works from the early 20th century such as Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows, A. A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh and the House at Pooh Corner, The Oz Books of L. Frank Baum (there are many after The Wonderful Wizard of Oz such as Ozma of OZ), Frances Burnett's The Secret Garden, J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan (actually Peter and Wendy, the novelization of the play by J. M. Barrie). We'll also look at some modern classics such as Madeline L'Engle's Wrinkle in Time, E.B. White's Charlotte's Web, J. R. R. Tolkien's the Hobbit, and fun works by outstanding authors such as Bruce Covell, Jane Yolen, and Lloyd Alexander. Young students will read short selections and be read to, one of the great and neglected ways to increase intellectual and emotional understanding.
Teacher:Prof. Andrew Karp, please refer to Faculty, to know more about Dr. Karp
课程以大学英文系课程为蓝本,由具有三十年教学经验的资深英文系教授 Dr. Andrew Karp带领孩子们精读十九与二十世纪经典英文儿童文学。这些名著被无数次搬上银幕,经过多次改编,但是今天公校里却很少有老师带领孩子们阅读这些有深度的经典原著。作为一名古典学专家,Karp教授带领孩子们逐章精读未经删节的经典原著,而非任何形式的改写本。课堂上,Karp教授通过讲解拉丁文词根,分析有深度和有难度的文本,配合适当的历史文化介绍,旨在于帮助孩子们拓展英文词汇量,提高英文阅读的兴趣,开拓视野,陶冶人文情操。Karp教授曾经指导过十多年莎士毕业戏剧表演,擅长于将课文声情并茂地阅读给孩子们听,这样Read to Students的训练,正是我们华人家庭最缺乏的。Dr Karp教授的课程过去在艺书房进行了多年,课程采用大学讨论班seminar的形式,孩子们在课堂上各自发表见解,课后进行诗歌、趣味短文写作和词汇练习,深受孩子们的喜爱。Karp教授同时也会在课堂中进行少量的写作练习。
Dr. Karp教授从纽约大学获得古典语言和文学博士,精通拉丁文,专攻荷马和莎士比亚研究。曾任教于纽约大学、宾州州立大学和道林学院,三十年从事英文阅读和写作的教学。在过去三年中,Karp 教授也同时教授中国学生的英文阅读和写作。Karp教授是一位作家,表演家和戏剧家。他曾担任道林学院戏剧院艺术总监十年,导演和亲自演出了大量莎士比亚戏剧。他是戏剧作者,同时正在写作一部历史小说。
Summer 2024 课程表
Grade 1-2 (1-2年级)
上课时间: 周一及三下午 6:00-7:00PM
上课形式: ZOOM网课
课时:每周两次,每Session共8 次课
Session 1: 7/1-7/25
Session 2: 7/29-8/22
Since 1926, Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends—Piglet, Owl, Tigger, and the ever doleful Eeyore—have endured as the unforgettable creations of A.A. Milne, who wrote this book for his son, Christopher Robin, and Ernest H. Shepard, who lovingly gave Pooh and his companions shape. These characters and their stories are timeless treasures of childhood that continue to speak to all of us with the kind of freshness and heart that distinguishes true storytelling.
"Winnie-the-Pooh is a joy; full of solemn idiocies and the sort of jokes one weeps over helplessly, not even knowing why they are so funny, and with it all the real wit and tenderness which alone could create a priceless little masterpiece." Saturday Review, 1926
Grade 3-4 (3-4年级)
阅读经典(原著,非改写本):L Frank Baum’s Ozma of OZ
上课时间:周二四下午 6-7:00PM
上课形式: ZOOM网课
Session 1: 7/1-7/25
Embark on a whimsical journey to the fantastical land of Oz with L. Frank Baum's timeless masterpiece, 'Ozma of Oz'. In this enchanting sequel to 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz', Baum once again invites readers of all ages to immerse themselves in a world where imagination knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Baum's mastery lies not only in his ability to craft a spellbinding narrative but also in his profound understanding of human nature, woven seamlessly into the fabric of his fantastical realm. Through Dorothy's trials and triumphs, readers are reminded of the power of courage, friendship, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. 'Ozma of Oz' is a testament to Baum's unparalleled storytelling prowess, captivating generations of readers with its timeless charm and enduring magic. With its richly imaginative landscapes, vibrant characters, and profound themes, this beloved classic continues to inspire and delight readers young and old, inviting them to rediscover the wonders of Oz with each turn of the page.
L. Frank Baum的经典著作《奥兹玛公主》再次带领读者们踏上一次奇幻之旅,进入一个充满想象力的世界,冒险无时无刻不在等待着读者们。作者的写作才华不仅体现在他编织动人心弦的故事情节的能力,而且更体现在他对人性的深刻理解之上,这些都被作者编织进了这个充满无限幻想的世界当中。Karp教授将带领同学们一起去领略这部让一代又一代读者着迷的经典,去探索文字当中包含的勇气、友谊以及人类精神的意义。
Grade 3-4 (3-4年级)
阅读经典(原著,非改写本):L Frank Baum’s Patchwork Girl of OZ
上课时间:周二四下午 6-7:00PM
上课形式: ZOOM网课
Session 2: 7/29-8/22
Prepare to be swept away on a magical odyssey unlike any other with L. Frank Baum's enchanting tale, 'The Patchwork Girl of Oz'. In this captivating installment of the beloved Oz series, Baum unfurls a tapestry of wonder and adventure that will capture the hearts and imaginations of readers young and old. This timeless classic stands as a testament to Baum's unparalleled storytelling genius, captivating generation after generation with its whimsical charm and enduring magic. With its colorful cast of characters, imaginative landscapes, and timeless lessons, 'The Patchwork Girl of Oz' continues to enthrall readers, inviting them to embark on an unforgettable journey through the boundless realms of imagination.
L. Frank Baum的魔幻故事《奥兹王国的布丁姑娘》将带领读者踏上一场与众不同的神奇之旅,从而让想象力深深抓住那些年轻读者的心灵。当读者们再次穿越奇妙的奥兹国时,他们将会遇到一群神奇的人物角色,他们吸引了一代又一代的读者。故事的主角是一位可爱的布丁女孩,她被一位魔法师变活了,她必须要找到一个打破魔咒的办法,让她的朋友复活。Karp教授将带领同学们一起去领略这部让一代又一代读者着迷的经典,共同考察丰富多彩的人物角色,一起去经历那富有想象力的故事情节。
Grade 5-6 (5-6年级)
阅读经典(原著,非改写本):Ursula Le Guin’s A Wizard of Earthsea
上课时间:周一三下午 7:15-8:15PM
上课形式: ZOOM网课
Session 1: 7/1-7/25
Enter the mesmerizing realm of Earthsea, where magic reigns supreme and adventure awaits at every turn, in Ursula K. Le Guin's timeless masterpiece, 'A Wizard of Earthsea'. This enchanting tale introduces readers to a world of wonder and wizardry, where the power of words and the balance of nature hold sway over the fate of all. In 'A Wizard of Earthsea', Le Guin weaves a spellbinding narrative that follows the journey of Ged, a young boy with extraordinary magical talent, as he navigates the perilous waters of wizardry and self-discovery. From the mystical island of Gont to the bustling city of Roke, readers are transported to a landscape teeming with richly drawn characters, ancient lore, and profound wisdom. 'A Wizard of Earthsea' stands as a testament to Le Guin's unparalleled imagination and literary prowess, captivating generations of readers with its lyrical prose, vivid imagery, and profound philosophical insights. With its timeless themes and universal truths, this beloved classic continues to inspire and enchant readers, inviting them to embark on an unforgettable journey through the magical world of Earthsea.
通过这本书,Ursula Le Guin将读者带进了一个魔法世界,这里魔法至上,语言的魔法力量将决定着所有人的命运。在这个充满奇幻的故事中,一个拥有非凡魔法天赋的年轻男孩,航行于魔法的世界当中。从神秘的岛国到熙熙攘攘的城市,读者跟随角色们一起重新经历了那些古老的传说。Karp教授将和同学们一起去阅读那些抒情的散文,领会充满哲理的句子,一起经历一场穿越魔法世界的难忘旅程。
Grade 5-6 (5-6年级)
阅读经典(原著,非改写本):Ursula Le Guin’s The Tombs of Atuan
上课时间:周一三下午 7:15-8:15PM
上课形式: ZOOM网课
Session 2: 7/29-8/22
The second novel in Ursula K. LeGuin's renowned Earthsea series, a Newbery Honor recipient and hailed as one of the Time 100 Best Fantasy Books Of All Time, receives a stunning new repackage. In this captivating installment, Tenar is thrust into a role as high priestess to the ancient Powers of the Earth, stripped of her identity, possessions, and even her name. Now known only as Arha, the Eaten One, she guards the mysterious Tombs of Atuan. However, her world is shaken when the wizard Ged Sparrowhawk arrives, seeking the Tombs' greatest treasure, the Ring of Erreth-Akbe. As Tenar grapples with her duty to protect the Ring and the allure of Ged's magic and tales, she faces a fateful choice: remain in the darkness that has enveloped her or risk everything to seek a new path. With millions of copies sold worldwide, Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle holds a cherished place among fantasy classics. Now, with a fresh, modern look, the complete Earthsea collection, including 'A Wizard of Earthsea', 'The Tombs of Atuan', 'The Farthest Shore', 'Tehanu', 'Tales from Earthsea', and 'The Other Wind', is poised to captivate both devoted fans and a new generation of readers.
作为地海系列的第二部小说,该书获得了Newbery Honor 荣誉, 并被《时代》杂志评选为百部最佳奇幻小说。该书讲述的是一位女祭司试图守护一座神秘的阿图安之墓的故事。女祭司在守护墓中的一个魔法戒指时,也同时面临着一个命运的选择:是永远留在黑暗中还是去探索一条新路。此部小说在全球销售了数百万册,被视为新一代的奇幻经典之一。Karp教授将带领同学们一起去领略这部新时代魔法宝典的魅力。
Grade 7-9 (7-9年级)
阅读经典(原著,非改写本):Sophocles, Oedipus the King
上课时间:周二四下午 7:15-8:15PM
上课形式: ZOOM网课
Session 1: 7/1-7/25
Step into the world of ancient Greek tragedy with Sophocles' timeless masterpiece, "Oedipus the King". This iconic play stands as a pinnacle of classical literature, captivating audiences for centuries with its gripping narrative, profound themes, and masterful storytelling. Set in the legendary city of Thebes, the drama unfolds as Oedipus, the noble and well-intentioned king, embarks on a relentless quest to uncover the truth behind the city's plague. What ensues is a tragic tale of fate, prophecy, and the inevitable consequences of human actions. Through Sophocles' masterful use of dramatic irony and powerful characterization, "Oedipus the King" explores fundamental questions about free will, destiny, and the complexities of the human condition. This timeless work continues to resonate with audiences worldwide, serving as a testament to Sophocles' unparalleled skill as a playwright and his enduring legacy in the realm of literature and drama.
Grade 7-9 (7-9年级)
阅读经典(原著,非改写本):Plato, Five Dialogues
上课时间:周二四下午 7:15-8:15PM
上课形式: ZOOM网课
Session 2: 7/29-8/22
Step into the profound realm of classical philosophy with Plato's "Five Dialogues," a collection revered for its intellectual depth and enduring relevance. Within these dialogues, Plato, through the voice of his mentor Socrates, explores fundamental questions about human existence, ethics, knowledge, and the nature of reality. Plato offers readers an unparalleled journey into the heart of philosophy. Each dialogue is a masterpiece of inquiry, blending philosophical rigor with captivating storytelling to engage readers in the timeless pursuit of wisdom and truth. As a cornerstone of Western philosophy, "Five Dialogues" continues to inspire generations of thinkers, serving as an essential guide for those who seek to navigate life's most profound questions with clarity and insight.